Friday, March 27, 2009
Cutting Down VS. Centering Down => Pay It Forward

Perhaps we've been busy with work, studies or even activities. However, I urge you to take some time to get your eternal perspectives right and learn to CENTER DOWN instead of cutting down. What's the difference you may ask?

Cutting Down VS. Centering Down
1. Reduce Busyness vs. Reduce lostness
2. Temporary Sense of Relief vs. Re-calibrating my compass
3. Relief vs. Rest
4. Deals with outer life vs. Deals with inner life
5. Catching my breath vs. Re-igniting my vision
6. Vicious Cycle vs. Solution
7. Make Jesus part of my schedule vs. Make Jesus the center of my schedule

In the midst of our busyness, Give Thanks for all things work for the GOOD of those who love Him, who have been called according to His PURPOSE! (1 Thess 5:18; Romans 8:28).

The bible tells us in Psalm 90:12~"Teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of wisdom." Perhaps, we have allowed time to swiftly fly past us, without even catching a glimpse of it. But it's never too late to start now, walking in obedience & faith one step at a time. L.I.F.E = Living It For Eternity ( journey WITH GOD). "Take up your cross daily." (Luke 9:23) So for this coming Easter, Let's Dream Big. Start Small. Build Deep.

Remembering what Ps Aaron preached last Sunday "Reaching Out With Jesus' Love":

People don't really care how much we know, until they know how much we care!
"The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life, and he who wins souls is wise." ( Prov 11:30)

Soul winning is not just a task to be handled, it is an ART to be mastered. "To win" = "TO BUILD RELATIONSHIP". Soul-winning must be RELATIONAL.

Step #1: BLESS the lost: Speak Well, Encourage and Praise others.

Step#2: FELLOWSHIP with them: Taking initiate to Spend Time with them.

Step#3: Look out for a NEED that you can meet.

"Maslow's Hierarchy of Human Needs"

Step#4: PREACH the gospel to them: Accept people the way they are without approving their lifestyle.
Jesus' style: He started out by 1st winning them over as friends, then to the Lord.

Soul-winning and witnessing is "not hard-selling" the gospel. An effective and exciting life of evangelism is waiting for you if you choose to SERVE others rather than sell to them.

Let me remind you that it's not easy to be Jesus'deciples."Then Jesus said to his disciples, "If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me."(Matt 16:24)

John 15:5 "I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in Me, & I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from Me, you can do nothing.

I was just doing my devotion. And I was enticed by this verse. Have you ever noticed how this verse ended? It ended with "apart from Me, you can do nothing" not "he". Amazingly,"you" refers to each one of us, which means it involves everyone, to firstly abide in Him, then serve others.

Campus Crusade's Vision statement: Building movements everywhere, so everyone knows someone who truly follows Jesus Christ.

If you have time, click "Pay It Forward" and watch this trailer. It simply starts from 1 person, to pass on his/her acts of kindness to his/her 3 friends, then his/her 3 friends to another 3 friends and so on. Just like how Jesus, himself, discipled the 12s, and the 12s preached the gospel to the nations, even up till now, the gospel is still spreading on, let's not stop the Great Commission, but continue the great work of our Christ Jesus,yeah!

Let's not take our Salvation for granted. Salvation is not meant to be kept within us, but for the needies. Mark 2:17 "When Jesus heard that, he said to them, "Healthy people don't need a doctor; those who are sick do. I've come to call sinners, not people who think they have God's approval." "

The Great Commision
Matthew 28:18-20 "Then Jesus came to them and said, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."

Pistis Elpis Agape,
Yogroom Gal

6:22 AM
cell group, out!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Are we limiting God?

'When we ask for God's help, are you expecting a bear minimum, meagre-but-satisfactory answer or no answer at all? God wants to help you succeed in all of your endeavors. Open your arms and receive his blessing. He is always glad to help!'

Prov 16:3
'Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and your plans will succeed.'


9:41 PM
cell group, out!

Saturday, March 21, 2009
The GOD We Know

I wanna let you know that i'm really glad that i've attended cell group and i'm certainly blessed by each one of you(even for those who were not there) last night. Initially, i was quite reluctant to go as i haven't been feeling good for the whole week but i thank God that i've not chosen to give in to my flesh and that He has restored me (Jehovah Rophe)
for tt's where i began to understand and meet the God of grace through last night's sharing.
well, I've gotten back my results on Tuesday.. and ya, as expected, i can tell you up front that i failed 2 modules..(of course,i do feel disappointed in myself, but I'm not very upset, as compared to, the time when I've failed a module before,in my poly yr1 sem1).. On the day i came to know about my results, i thank God for preparing my heart through your prayers last Sunday.. I did not blame God for He is righteous (Jehovah Tsidkenu) & everlasting God (Jehovah El Olam) who has shown me His goodness and mercy(Jehovah Gemulah), however I didn't cherish it. Believing that He is our shepherd (Jehovah Raah) who is also my peace (Jehovah Shalom) and will always be there (Jehovah Shammah) to see me through, there's a song that goes "I don't worry o'er the future,For I know what Jesus said,And today I'll walk beside Him,For He knows what is ahead. Many things about tomorrow, I don't seem to understand, But I know who holds my future,And I know who holds my hands." Do continue to pray for me as i'm afraid that i may not be able to proceed to yr 3 and that I'll have courage to tell my folks about my results..i'm not afraid of being lectured, but i just feel i'm such a letdown to them, regarding my academic wise..Now that i have to repeat the modules, i fear that i'll be a burden to my parents that they have to pay even more.. Lately, my folks have been working at odd hours, due to the economic downturn.. And moreover, my grandma has been feeling ill that she vomited on Thursday night..We brought her to see a GP that night..However the next morning, she was still unwell and weak to walk that she fell and hit her forehead against the toilet's basin.. My dad, who had just come home from night shift, drove her to the hospital for stitches... Right now, she complains of giddiness every now and then, her right eye is also bruised and swollen,due to the fall.. I still thank God that she's resting at home now.. Do continue to pray for speedy recovery for my grandma, and my folks' physical health, protection over our families and friends. Believing that He is Jehovah Rophe - the Lord our healer & Jehovah Jireh - the Lord,our provider for our finance! Through these trials, I learnt that He's a God who desires to sanctify (Jehovah Qadesh) me and mould my character, in order to testify and celebrate the Lord of our Banner (Jehovah Nissi)! Amen!

Recap of what we have studied last night:
Psalm 23 (Today's New International Version)

A psalm of David.

1a The LORD is my shepherd, - (Jehovah Raah.) [ Ps 84:3 says "Even the sparrow has found a home,and the swallow a nest for herself, where she may have her young", likewise, so does our God who yearns to watch over us, guide us through every journey of our lives, and value each and every one of us, more than the sparrows.]

1b I lack nothing. (Jehovah Jireh[Gen22:14]) {"The-Lord-Will-Provide" is a play on the verb translated "provided." The verb means basically "see". The English word "provide" is from the Latin (pro = before + videre = vision) meaning literally to "see beforehand." God sees our need before it arises and makes provision for it. Thus, Jehovah Jireh means..."The Lord will see to it and provide." As Jehovah Jireh God can and will provide exactly what we need when we need it, for His timing is perfect. Remember that God's infinite provision is always greater than our finite problem. Faith not shown to be real until it is tested.}

2 He makes me lie down in green pastures,He leads me beside quiet waters, (Jehovah Shalom[Judges6:24]) { [Great peace. Note that for "peace" the Hebrew word is shalom: it signifies not only "peace," but also perfection, wholeness, prosperity, tranquility, healthfulness, safety, the completion and consummation, of every good thing; and so it is frequently taken by the Hebrews; hence in salutations, wishing one the other well, they say, shalom lekha, i.e, "peace be with thee"; as if one should say, "may all things be prosperous with thee." --Thomas Le Blanc. There're 2 kinds of Peace: 1. Experiential (Phil 4:7)—day by day experience of the believer, can be forfeited. 2. Judicial (Romans 5:1 )—The war with God is over.]
And we who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ may enter heaven with boldness in the full assurance of a perfect reconciliation and peace. But the measure or degree of our sanctification to Him and our continued trust in Him (manifest by our obedience) is the measure of our peace in Him (Read that sentence again for it is the key to the unbroken peace OF God). "The peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." says the apostle (Php 4:7 ), but he suggests in Php 4:6 that it depends on the measure of our trust, and in Php 4:9 on the measure of our obedience ("Practice [continuously] these things"). }

3a He refreshes my soul. (Jehovah Rophe[Exodus 15:26]) {"Life is a great laboratory, and each experience x-rays our hearts to reveal what we really are. The waters of Marah revealed that the Jews were worldly, thinking only of bodily satisfaction; they were walking by sight, expecting to be satisfied by the world; they were ungrateful, complaining to God when trials came their way." Wiersbe's expository outlines on the Old Testament "When life gives you lemons make lemonade God's way"
How did Moses react to the "bitter" water trial Ex15:25?
Then he cried out to the Jehovah, and Jehovah showed him a tree & he threw it into the waters & the waters became sweet. There He made for them a statute & regulation & there He tested them.
When we experience difficult circumstances & come to a place where disillusionment, despair, disappointment, or bitterness fill the "wells" of our life, we need to remember that God has the power to make the bitter into sweet. And remember that our bitter circumstances are there to test us & to teach us to trust the Almighty God to meet every need (Php 4:19), but not every "want".Cry out to Jehovah Rapha. John 8:31-32 says "If you hold to my teaching, you're my disciples. Then you'll know the truth and the truth will set you free."}

3bHe guides me along the right paths for his name's sake. (Jehovah Tsidkenu [Jer 23:6]) {Righteousness is not attained, but obtained through faith in Jesus Christ. (1 Cor. 1.30). We must have Christ for our righteousness, or we will perish forever. CHRIST ALONE CAN MAKE YOU RIGHTEOUS. God is pure, righteous, and holy. He is of purer eyes than to behold iniquity. The heavens are not clean in his sight. He charges his angels with folly. "God is light, and in him is no darkness at all." The only way the holy God can receive us is if we are made to be perfectly righteous in his sight. And only Christ can make us righteous. We have no righteousness of our own at all (Isa. 64:6). There is no possibility of our accomplishing this righteousness for ourselves. "By the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight" (Rom. 3:20). If righteousness must be produced by us, we are full of despair. Hell must be our eternal portion. We sin everyday, every moment! All that we do is marred by sin. The law of God is too high, too holy, too pure, too perfect. We cannot attain its requirements. We cannot keep its precepts. Though we have passed from death to life, old Adam still struggles for dominion within us. By force of our lusts, we are still held in the captivity of sin in our members. The good we would do, we do not. The evil we hate, that we often perform. If anything is plain in the Word of God and the experience of God’s saints, it is this: There is nothing good or righteous in any man of himself (Rom. 7:14-24). FEAR GOD WITH REVERENCE.}

4 Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me. (Jehovah Shammah[Ezek 48:35;Heb13:8]) {'The Lord is there!' God’s presence is real and felt, tangible. God is not no-where. God is now-here. Do you ever feel all alone? Are you going through something that you feel you must take care of on your own or you are afraid or embarrassed to ask someone for help? Have you reached out to friends or family only to have them turn their backs? Is the theme song to your life “My Way?” Is fear causing you to shut out the world? Know this, You are NEVER alone! Our God who is Omnipresent is with us always. He is there waiting, patiently for us to reach out to Him. Hebrews 13:5-6 tells us that He will never leave us nor forsake us. God wants us to call on Him, to rely on Him, to seek Him in all things and to have a deep, personal and intimate relationship with Him. He is our Father, we are His children; His love for us is unconditional. There is a famous poem "Footprints in the sand" that depicts God as Jehovah Shammah in a most beautiful way. Whenever I feel alone or inconsolable I think of this poem and it reminds me that God, Jehovah Shammah is right next to me and I can rest my head on His lap and cry out to Him. I imagine Him stroking my hair, cradling me in His arms and wiping away my tears. }

5 a You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. (Jehovah Nissi [Exod17:15]) {Banners express loyalty and surrender to that loyalty. (Psalm 20.5; Psalm 60.4; Exodus 17.15, 16) God sets the standard. His banner over us is love (Song of Solomon 2.4). In Exodus 17:8-16 talks about how Joshua, in preparation before going for a war, chose men to go out and fight against Amalek. Numbers 26:19 ("banner = "warning sign of preparations"), What is God training you for right now? Do the trials seem to never end, to be without an obvious purpose? Could it be that God is training you in and through the trial? (James 1:2-4,12) God does not waste the obstacles in our lives but desires that we might see them as opportunities to grow in grace and the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Someone has well said that just like Moses on the hill was a picture of intercession,it takes intercession on the mountain as well as intervention in the valley for God’s people to win the victory. The army of the Lord is most often victorious when it marches forward "on its knees". The Christian missionary martyr Jim Elliot added,"That saint who advance on his knees never retreats". }
5 b You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. (Jehovah Qadesh [Lev20:8]) {THE LORD Who Sanctifies ,is He who makes holy,sets apart separates from the profane. How are believers sanctified according to Jn 17:17, 18, 19?By the word = Truth (the word does not contain but IS truth) “This book will keep you from sin or sin will keep you from this book.” Truth >Renews Mind > Changed life. SANCTIFIED By Truth (John 15:3; 17:17);SANCTIFIED By the Blood (Hebrews 13:12);SANCTIFIED By Faith (Acts 26:18);SANCTIFIED By Prayer (I Timothy 4:5)}

6a Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, (Jehovah Gemulah [Jer51:56]) {He is the God of Recompenses(God requites - rewards and purnishes). When a person is shamefully treated or misjudged, even wrongfully condemned or blamed when innocent, it becomes very difficult not to take up our own defense, and leave our reputation to God. Yet this is the precise way that He has instructed for us to respond.The scriptures declare that retribution or recompense does not belong to us but rather it belongs to God.}
6b and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever. (Jehovah El-Olam[Gen 21:33]) {The Everlasting God, The God of Eternity, The God of the Universe, The God of Ancient Days}
Pistis Elpis Agape,
Yogroom Gal

2:42 AM
cell group, out!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Hi cell,
I had gastric flu last night, was in the hospital at 2.30a.m. Just kept vomitting and had diarrhoea. I was put on iv drip and was discharged at 7a.m. The doctor said i got the virus from some food that i ate. Please continue to pray for me. Really grateful for my younger bro and dad who sent me to the hospital and stayed with me. Sometimes we may seem to take our health for granted and i really thank God that i was able to pull thru, coz the pain was really unbearable. Thank God for each day that we live!


4:10 PM
cell group, out!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009
some funny thing.. haha..

11:32 PM
cell group, out!

Monday, March 9, 2009

10:49 PM
cell group, out!

Thursday, March 5, 2009
Protect the unity of the church

Hi all!
The passage below is taken out from the book 'purpose driven life' chapter 21.
It's been a while since i posted, pls help to keep the post going, coz it's tiring to maintain it alone.
Anyway, hope that ur spiritual life is not drying up, always stay faithful in God. =)


'It is our job to protect the unity of the church.
In his final moment before being arrested, Jesus prayed passionately for our unity.
It was our unity that was uppermost in his mind during those agonizing hours.
You are commissioned by Jesus Christ to do everything possible to preserve the unity, protect the fellowship and promote the harmony in your church family and among all believers.

We must remember that it was God who chose to give us different personalities, background,
races and preferences, so we should value and enjoy these differences, not merely tolerate them. God wants unity, not uniformity.

Conflict is usually a sign that the focus has shifted to less important issue. But if we concentrate on loving each other and fulfilling God's purposes, harmony results.

Passionately love the church in spite of its imperfections. If a church must be perfect to satisfy you, that same perfection will exclude you from membership, because you are not perfect!

Always choose to encourage rather than criticise. Whenever i judge another believer, 4 things instantly happen; I lose fellowship with God, i expose my own pride and insecurity, I set myself up to be judged by God, and I harm the fellowship of the church.

Refuse to listen to gossip. Listening to gossip is like accepting stolen property, and it makes you just as gulity of the crime.

Support your pastors and leaders. There are no perfect leaders, but God gives leaders the responsibility and the authority to maintain the unity of the church. Pastors often have the unpleasant task of serving as mediator between hurt, conflicting, or immature members. They're also given the impossible task of trying to make everyone happy, which even Jesus could not do!
Honour those leaders who work so hard for you.

What are you doing personally to make your church family more warm and loving?'

10:32 PM
cell group, out!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Ivana's birthday celebration!

Celebration at SHOKUDO in raffles city shopping centre!!! (2/3/09)

Happy Birthday to Ivana! and happy anniversary to Jinyu who has joined our cell for officially 1 yr! Thanks to jinyu for making the decorations for the photos. It's cool!
Have a great day everyone!

Farmer =)

6:49 PM
cell group, out!

Sunday, March 1, 2009
Hey cell!
I was looking at this video, and it reminded me to appreciate and treasure my family and friends more. I've copied the description written by the person who posted the video. Do take alook at it, and i hope it'll make an impact in ur lives.


'This is a fan-made video, and not affiliated with the singers or producers in any way. I didn't make this video to make anyone cry but to celebrate the life of my daughter, Christian Brooke Webb. She was born March 31, 1993 and returned to God May 9, 2008. She is the most precious daughter, sister, friend, girlfriend, child and woman we all could have asked for. She taught me so much about love and forgiveness... and how to smile when you feel like crying... that's my baby. She always told everyone she loved them and her last message to many was to get their life right with God. When I asked her if she could imagine what it would be like when Jesus comes for us, she said she had so much she wanted to do. She wanted to get married, have children and take care of me when I get too old to take care of myself... but then a few minutes later she said if Jesus came for her before she did all those things, she would go with him. She always belonged to God... and although he took her from this world, he will restore us in his perfect timing. This video is a gift to my Mom and to my daughter... two very strong women. When Christian was little, we called her "Brenda, Jr" because she acted so much like her "Gran-nenna". My Mom has been so through so much with me. Christian had a strong faith in God. Sometimes I would sit back in awe as I watched God work through her. Her friends tell me that what they remember most about her was her smile and her ability to make you smile when you felt like crying. I think maybe that's maybe because she knew how important it is to smile. She battled depression but she was fast on her way to victory. The morning of the accident, she could not stop smiling. She told me that she felt as if her life was going to change for the better. She was so right. She is in the presence of Jesus now. I thank God for allowing me to be Christian's Mom. I thank him for giving me 14 precious years with his beautiful child. And even more, I thank him for knowing that the best is yet to come. I thank him for calling Christian and preparing her throughout her life so that her eternity is now being spent with him. Life is but a vapor. We don't know when God will call us home. Live each day so that if today is your time, you will be ready. Love and treat each person so well that if it were your last moment with them, you will not leave any unanswered questions. Be the one that reminds people how to smile when they feel like crying. Make an impact today that will lead someone to Christ. Do all this so that when your day comes, you can look and say I believe my life is about to change for the better!!! Christian, I miss you so much baby girl, but this is not goodbye. I'll be coming home once I finish my work. I love you.'

10:25 PM
cell group, out!