Sunday, January 31, 2010
Sunday's Sermon 31jan 2010 by Ps Chng
Letting God take lordship over our lives.Romans 14: 7 - 12
Don't judge one another.
1 Cor 6: 12-20
- Our bodies are the temple of Christ. Therefore, honor God with our bodies.
- Flee from sexual immorality.
In life we are responsible to God. In death we are accountable to God as the Lord of our life.
Is the fear of God missing in your life?
The fear of God will not paralyze us, but will strengthen us internally.
Hi friends, i'm really touched by the worship song today. "You are good" by kari jobe.
Sometimes I will think that I am unworthy of God's love because I've strayed from his word. And i'll feel so unworthy to teach the children God's word when i myself am not following his teachings. There's a feeling of cutting myself off from Him so that i will not keep disappointing God, but when i heard this song today, the lyrics just touched me. It shows that no matter how much we have disappointed God, He will never let go of us and He will wait faithfully till the day we return to his side.
" Your kindness leads me to repentance, your goodness draws me to your side
Your mercy calls me to be like you, your favour is my delight"
You can choose to let go of God, but He will never let go of you!
5:24 PM
cell group, out!
cell group, out!